TLNA Minutes for 1-23-03



Council Members Present:  Rex Loehe, Carol Weidel, Kathleen Rideout, Sandy Ward, SalCalomino, Richard Linster, Susan Bauman Duren, Brenda Konkel, Diane Brusoe, PatMcDonnell, Joe Brogan, Bob Shaw, Gay Davidson-Zielske


Council Memberswith Excused Absence:


I.              Meeting Called to Order 7:44 p.m.

II.            Distribution and Approval of Minutes for 12-19-02

a.    Motion to Approve Minutes by Richard Linster

b.    Seconded by Carol Weidel

c.    Motion Carried on a Voice Vote

III.          New Business

a.    Pat Sternael and Radleigh Becker of the Red Cross regardingBlood Drive between Christ Presbyterian Church and TLNA (Please refer to RedCross handout for further details).

                                                    i.     TheRed Cross plans to shoot for a Saturday morning Blood Drive at ChristPresbyterian Church sometime between late February and April.  This is generally a 4 to 5 hour eventand volunteers will be needed on the day of the event.  A minimum of 30 to 40 donors is desiredfor set-up and staff for such a blood drive.  The Red Cross expects to target half of the donors fromchurch members.  The Red Crosswould like someone from the TLNA as point person for purposes of communicationin setting up blood drive, advertising, volunteer recruitment, etc., if TLNA isinterested in participating.

                                                     ii.     BobShaw noted that the next TLNA newsletter is April 1st and an articlecould be included, and Susan Bauman Duren noted early sign-ups could beencouraged.

                                                       iii.     SalCalomino asked if the TLNA was in support of cosponsoring this blood drive withChrist Presbyterian Church.

1.    Carol Weidel moved to sponsor blood drive with ChristPresbyterian Church in April.

2.    Motion seconded by Kathleen Rideout.

3.    Motion carried on a voice vote.

4.    Diane Brusoe, as the TLNA Community Services Chair,volunteered to be point person for the Red Cross to help coordinate event.

b.    Michael Basford: Brief Presentation on Mayoral Forum.

                                                    i.     TheEast Isthmus Mayoral Council is sponsoring a Mayoral Debate on Thursday,February 13, 2003, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church on SpaightStreet (Please refer to Handout for additional details).

IV.          Alder Report – Brenda Konkel

a.    Breese Stevens Committee: next meeting will receive reportregarding historic information to determine if bleachers should be kept, etc.

b.    $10,000 for historic bathrooms in budget.

c.    18 N. Baldwin Street: the appeal failed (needed 2/3 Councilvote).

                                                    i.     Didn’twin, but got a lot out of it.

1.    Developers learned a lot about dealing with Tenney-Laphamneighborhood and the requirement for conditional use permits.

V.            Committee Reports

a.    Safety – Sandy Ward

                                                    i.     OldNews:

1.    In November and December there were a number of burglaries onSherman Avenue and Norris Court.

2.    Sal Calomino and Jim Zychowicz continue to experience noiseand vandalism at their home.

3.    The Madison Police Department is looking into the possibilityof sharing a Neighborhood Police Officer with the Williamson Street area.

4.    There was a break-in at the Tenney Lapham Shelter and therewas $1000.00 damage.  City isself-insured.

b.    Community Service – Diane Brusoe

                                                    i.     NoReport

c.    Newsletter – Bob Shaw

                                                    i.     Deadlinefor April “Election Issue” is Friday, February 28, 2003.

                                                     ii.     Willbe asking questions of the two Alder Candidates and will print their responsesin the April issue.

                                                       iii.     Hasredesigned website to simplify and make more graphically pleasing.

d.    Education – Joe Brogan

                                                    i.     O’Keefeendowment moving ahead.  Will be amodel for other schools in the neighborhood.

e.    Membership – Richard Linster

                                                    i.     Collected28 member dues totaling $170.00.

f.     Transportation –

                                                    i.     Thereare problems with parking on Baldwin Street near the islands during parties.

g.    Social – Gay Davidson-Zielske

                                                    i.     Needa date for the Pancake Supper in April after the election.

VI.          New Business

a.    Greg Monroe: expressed concerns in opposition to the proposedsailing facility at Burrows Park.

                                                    i.     CarolWeidel moved to oppose placement of sailing facility at Burrows Park

                                                     ii.     Motionseconded by Kathleen Rideout.

                                                       iii.     Discussion

1.    Bob Shaw noted that he didn’t know much about the issueand would like more information before taking a vote on this matter.

                                                       iv.     Questioncalled.  Motion carried on a voicevote.

                                                     v.     CityCouncil Candidate Eric Minton offered to meet with Developer re: 18 N. Baldwinto get the project designed more to the liking of the neighborhood.

VII.        Adjournment

a.    Carol Weidel moved to adjourn.

b.    Motion seconded by Sandy Ward.

c.    Motion carried on a voice vote.



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