TLNA Council MonthlyMeeting


Tenney ParkApartments

February 1, 2006


Present: Cheryl Wittke (chair), Joe Brogan, Jim Roper, SeanGutknecht, Mary Jo Schiavoni, Jessi Mullell, Lonnie Richardson, BobSommerfeldt, Ruth Rohlich, Pat McDonnell, Gigi Holland, Carole Trone, NancyMcLean.

Guests:  KarenCrossley, John Johnson.


Call to order at 7:00.


I. Presentation of TLNA Proposed Budget.


Nancy McLean presented a proposed budget based on pastexpenses and income.  There wassome discussion of whether amounts were adequate.  This included: Mary Jo proposed increasing the communitygardens budget to $400 annually; increasing the room rental fee budget for ourquarterly events at the Presbyterian church.  Clarification on the Madison Schools Foundation: $1600 totalthis year, allocated as $500 to Marquette/Lapham fund; $100 to OÕKeeffe; and$500 for each of two East High School funds.  In subsequent years this amount will be $100 to each fund,for a total of $400.  Specialevents budget also increased to $400 annually.  Mary Jo also raised the question of whether the Tenney Parkmonument will happen and whether we will receive a grant to do so; thecommunity budget money also includes provisions for a plaque to be placed onthe Sherman Avenue bridge.


Various members discussed ways to generate more advertisingrevenue in the newsletter.  Onepossibility is to expand the newsletter to 20 pages and to introduce newfeatures, such as ÒKnow Your Neighbor,Ó ÒKids ColumnÓ and ÒSenior Corner.Ó


Ruth reported that the Norris Court businesses met anddiscussed whether they should form an association.  These discussions came up in context of whether we canincrease membership revenue by newsletter mailings to block apartment units inthe neighborhood, utilizing the block captains, and raising awareness aboutTLNA functions at various neighborhood socials.  We also discussed creating a promotional flyer with amembership slip that we could hand out at these events.  Carole offered to find out how manyunits there are in the larger apartment blocks as a way to gauge postage costs.


Mary Jo moved to adopt budget as revised; Joe seconded themotion and the revised budget was unanimously approved.


II. Review of Tenney Lapham Corporation (TLC) history.


Cheryl did some digging based on past discussions of whatTLNA member liability may be.  TLNAis NOT non-profit because it can lobby. Mary Jo cautioned that there are pros and cons of incorporating versusnon-incorporation.  One obligationas a corporation is filing annual financial reports.  There was discussion of what other neighborhood associationsdo.  Bob S. said that CapitalNeighborhoods incorporated, and Old Marketplace did also about 20 yearsago.  He offered to look for fileson the process. Cheryl offered to talk to the Marquette NeighborhoodAssociation.  Joe asked whether wecan collapse the TLC into the TLNA since they officially report to us and weappointed them.  Cheryl said thatwe should talk more to the TLC and find out what they do.  Scott Herrick is a lawyer who isknowledgeable about this legal process. Mary Jo speculated that we might be able to get a grant from the city tocover the incorporation process, since itÕs fairly detailed.  We need to establish articles ofincorporationÑwhich must narrowly define the TLNAÕs functionsÑwhat other NAshave done, and the cost of doing so. A concern was also raised as to what the relationship between a BusinessImprovement District (BID) and TLC, or an incorporated TLNA.  Cheryl, Rob and Ruth agreed to hold ameeting after Feb. 15 to discuss the merits of merging, separating, doingnothing, or incorporating.


III. City Planning update


Cheryl and Pat met with city planning officials to get morespecific feedback on the neighborhood plan.  City officials promised to develop maps and explore morespecifically how the TLNA plan meshes with the BUILD (Better Urban In-Fill LandDevelopment) plan.  They promisedfeedback within the next two weeks. The BUILD document is close to completionand also addresses E. Washington development, as the TLNA plan does moregenerally. Bob Shaw reported putting the updated version on website whichreflected comments, feedback, clarification of phrases.  There is also a summary sheet availableof the substantial changes made based on those comments.  There was no revision of maps orappendices.  In the city meeting,they looked at future land use map, and officials asked TLNA to narrowdefinitions of land use.  We mustclarify what weÕre trying to accomplish.   There was some discussion of Conservation Districtsand how they might apply to the current BUILD district.


IV. Neighborhood Updates


Bob Summerfeldt reported that 627 E. Mifflin is to bevacated in June and a proposed 8 story development (3 stories on E. Mifflinside) is under consideration.


Carole reported no updates on the Gorman project.


Cheryl stated that for next meeting we must discussconstructing a development proposal process and how TLNA might designate acommittee.


V. Other reminders


Cheryl reminded the group of the resolution to report allgraffiti problems and to call the police if victimized.


Cheryl also reminded division chairs to submit top 2-3priorities for each major TLNA plan areas, and give to Sandy (secretary).


VI.  EastGateway Project update.


Ed Jepsen reported on the concerns that proposed buildingheights are too high for green space. He explained that we receive $10K annually for these east side Yaharaparks and there is a lot left over, waiting for when E. Wash construction iscompleted.  There are also safetyissues near boathouses that our south of the Johnson St. bridge.  These have become shanties for homelessand are becoming very dilapidated and unsightly. Ed mentioned future plans tohave a park site meeting in April or May when the weather improves to get morespecific feedback and proposals on beautification ideas.


VII. Parks update


Mary Jo asked whether we might consider getting art forFilene Park, something incorporating the wind.  Reynolds Park improvements are on hold until we know whetherthe Gorman project is approved.  Ilsa Hecht has been taking care of the garden plot near CollinsHouse.  There was some discussionabout coordinating mulch and spring plantings delivery from the city andOlbrich.  Mary Jo reminded membersof her hope for adult exercise equipment in the parks.


VIII. Misc and wrap-up


Carole proposed a school board candidates forum, co-hostedby the MNA.  The idea wasunanimously approved.  Pat moved toadopt the January minutes and the motion was seconded and approvedunanimously. 


Meeting adjourned at 9:10


Minutes prepared by Carole Trone.


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