
Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council

April 5, 2006

Tenney Apartments,302 N. Baldwin


Council Members Present:  Ruth Rohlich, Sean Gutkneckt, Richard Linster, CherylWittke, David Waugh, Gigi Holland, Carole Trone, Patrick McDonnell, Sandy Ward,Susan Baumann-Duren, Joe Brogan, Lonnie Richardson


Guests: Ed Jepsen, Alder Brenda Konkel, County SupervisorBarbara Vedder, Mayor Dave, Jeannie Hoffman (Mayoral Aide), and Mr. Gromacki(TIF expert)


Call to order at 7:03

  1. Announcements
    1. Studio 924 is supporting Earth Day with a cut-a-thon on April 22.  All proceeds will be donated to an environmental group. 
    2. A note from Karen Crossly was circulated.  It thanks TLNA for contributing to neighborhood school endowments.
  2. B.  Vedder gave an update on her work on the County Board.
    1. She is interested in serving on the following committees

                                                    i.     Healthand Human Needs

                                                     ii.     W2Oversight

                                                       iii.     Lakesand Watershed

    1. She described space problems at the Courthouse
    2. She is working to set up a fall get together (open house) to discuss county issues
    3. The budget process has not yet begun.
  1. Minutes of March 1 approved as distributed.
  2. Ed Jepsen regarding Parks and Yahara Parkway.
    1. Ed gave an update about events

                                                    i.     Friendsof Yahara Parkway has been nominated by United Way for an award for their work.

                                                     ii.     EarthDay clean up on April 22 at 9 a.m. at the Tenny Beach Shelter

                                                       iii.     Riverwalk on April 8th at 9 a.m. at the Boat House

                                                       iv.     Christeningof the Johnson Street bridge underpass on April 26th at 4.  PLEASE try to be there to support thisevent.

    1. The last boathouse on the Yahara is in disrepair, is no longer used by the city or the university and is a hangout for derelicts. 

                                                    i.     Sandymoved and Susan seconded asking the city to tear it down.  All in favor.

                                                     ii.     Edwill draft a letter to the city and run it by Cheryl.

    1. A Yahara River Parkway walking tour is being planned.  Ed will be coming back to TLNA to seek financial support (matching funds) for this project.
  1. 627 East Mifflin
    1. There is general support for this project
    2. Some questions include

                                                    i.     Shouldthere be alley access?

                                                     ii.     Couldthe sides, rear, and roofline be improved by greater architectural detail?

                                                       iii.     Willtoo many units be one-bedroom and thus discourage families from moving in?

    1. David moved and Sean seconded sending a letter of support for this project to the city.  David will draft the letter.
  1. 428 N. Livingston update
    1. At the Plan Commission the project was placed on file without prejudice, meaning that the developer can come back with another proposal without having to wait the requisite length of time.
    2. The building is in the process of being named as having landmark status.
  2. Brenda update.  There is a meeting tomorrow (the 6th) at Lapham School regarding sidewalk replacement.
  3. Mayor Dave
    1. Gorman project

                                                    i.     TheMayor summarized the many positive features of the plan

                                                     ii.     Hedescribed the main steps in the negotiation process that ended with the Boardof Estimates being unwilling to approve a non-recourse loan.

                                                       iii.     Therewill be a new proposal from Gorman.

                                                       iv.     Boardmembers thanked the Mayor for working so hard to make this project work.

    1. Neighborhood vision

                                                    i.     Cherylintroduced the vision paper that summarizes the most important goals in theNeighborhood Plan

                                                     ii.     Committeemembers summarized the major issues behind the goals.

1.    Pat described the importance of housing and transportation toachieving the neighborhood vision

2.    Carol addressed the importance of Lapham school

3.    Ruth addressed the business district

                                                       iii.     Ideasthat were generated.

1.    Jeannie would like to have stories from people who have beensuccessful at being owner-occupied landlords

2.    Mayor suggested that small cap TIFs could support thetransition from student-rented to owner-occupancy.

3.    In response to a question, the Mayor summarized why he prefersstreetcars to buses.

a.    Streetcars influence land use (they create density anddevelopment) while buses do not.

b.    Streetcars serve well as circulators thereby attracting riderswho would not otherwise use mass transit.

c.    Streetcars are cool.

4.    Regarding Reynolds Park expansion

a.    Mayor suggested contacting Kathleen Woit at Madison CommunityFoundation for help with improving park amenities at Reynolds Field.

b.    TIF can be used to buy land for local community parks.


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