TLNA Minutes for 5-15-03



Council Members Present:  Rex Loehe, Carol Weidel, Sal Calomino, Susan Bauman-Duren,Diane Brusoe, Joe Brogan, Bob Shaw, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Jim Zychowicz, SandyWard, Pat McDonnell, Suzanne Keyes-Rybeck, Alf Meyer, Sgt. Dexheimer, OfficerRodney Wilson


Council Members with Excused Absence:


I.              Meeting Called to Order 7:05 p.m.


II.            Introductions Around the Table


III.          Ice Cream Social – Gay Davidson-Zielske

a.    Received complaint about combining Ice Cream Social and ArtWalk.

b.    One artist is willing to have Ice Cream Social at her house,but there would be no bathroom use.

c.    Other possibilities for Ice Cream Social include: Sunday, June22nd coinciding with Summer Solstice Walk, or Sunday June 29thin the Christ Presbyterian Church parking lot from 4:00 – 5:00 (last hourof the Art Walk, which is scheduled from 1:00 – 5:00).

                                                    i.        Motion by GayDavidson-Zielske to hold Ice Cream Social on June 29th in the ChristPresbyterian Church parking lot from 4:00 – 5:00.

                                                     ii.        Seconded by SandyWard.

                                                       iii.        Motion Carried on a VoiceVote.


IV.          Distribution and Approval of Minutes for April 17, 2003

a.    Motion by Sandy Wardto approve April Minutes

b.    Seconded by CarolWeidel

c.    Motion Carried on aVoice Vote


V.            TLNA Budget – Alf Meyer

a.    Overview of TLNA Financial Situation:  as of January 2000, assets =$13,200.  As of May 15, 2003,assets = $14,692.  Peak assetsoccurred in 2002, with $18,365 cash on hand.  There continues to be a steady flow of dues thanks toRichard Linster.  Current Councilexpenditures include:  $3,000distributed to 4 public schools ($750.00 each), $500.00 for Garden, $170.00 forBanner, $413.00 for Neighborhood Sign, and $100 for Heifer Project.  Neighborhood newsletter remainsself-supporting and Alf Meyer and Bob Shaw are discussing raising adrates.  TLNA has considerable cashreserves and significant distributions were made last year.  The TLNA is not in business toaccumulate cash and Council should look to use revenues to improveneighborhood.

                                                    i.        Some future suggested uses discussed by Council include: redcrosswalk flags, school scholarship endowment and monument.

1.    Regarding monument, Susan Bauman-Duren noted that the Councilcan’t keep putting this off or will have to consider returning“Gary’s” donation of $1000.00 for the project.  Sal Calomino indicated that he’dput this item on the agenda for June.

2.    Bob Shaw & Joe Brogan pressed neighborhood support for the$20,000.00 Foundation for Madison Schools Endowment Fund, of whichO’Keefe will receive $5,000.00. The campaign is exceeding $25,000.00.  Karen Crossley’s term organizing the campaign isending and Anne Hallbach will replace her.

1.    Motion by Joe Broganto allocate $500.00 in support for the Foundation for Madison Schools EndowmentFund and designate those funds be earmarked for O’Keefe.

2.    Seconded by SusanBauman-Duren.

3.    Discussion:  Alf Meyer noted that it is within theCouncil’s means to give $500.00 to all schools for a total contributionof $2,000.00.  The Council agreedthis could be voted on at a later date.

4.    Motion Carried on aVoice Vote.


VI.          Confirm Zoning Change for Carl’s Paddlin’(which also includes Great Big Pictures) from M1 to C3.

a.    Segue to Alder Report.


VII.        Alder Report – Brenda Konkel.

a.    Zoning Change for Carl’s Paddlin’:  The problem is that the property inquestion is a large parcel that is supposed to be zoned for residentialuse.  Brenda indicated she’llbe sitting down with both Carl’s Paddlin’ and Great Big Pictures tofigure out a creative way to make it residential and still meet Carl’sPaddlin’s need.  She expectsissue will be referred in about two weeks.


b.    Receiving lots of calls regarding parking problems inthe area.



c.    Received call from police captain regarding locating satelliteoffice at Sonic Foundry.  InBrenda’s opinion, the satellite office should instead be located atBreese Stevens.


d.    Thorton Avenue – Brenda will be meeting withneighborhood leaders to make sure plans are being implemented and thatneighborhood concerns are being collectively heard.


e.    Bob Shaw:  Anymore on the designation of a TIF District on E. Washington Avenue?

Brenda Konkel:  No, not officially.  Unofficially it appears to being movingforward.  Studying issue to see ifthere’s enough blight in the area.

Bob Shaw:  Heard Business Incubator may beput in there.


f.     Sandy Ward & Susan Bauman-Duren further discussed parkingissue.



Sgt. Dexheimer Report

Introduction of Officer RodneyWilson, who has an adjacent beat on W. Wilson Street.

Bike Patrol – is agreat asset to Department, but there are too few officers available for bikepatrol.  Sometimes officers carrybikes in the back of their squads.

Officer Rodney Wilson:  Bike patrol is a great way to talk tothe community.  It breaks downbarriers with neighborhood – folks are more likely to approach and talkto officers than if they’re in their car.  Bike patrol is slowly taking on popularity in theDepartment.  The problem is one ofduel purpose.  You’re on yourbike and then you get called and have to return to your car.


Issue of stolen cars –often they are abandoned in parks.


Crime Statistics –Sgt. Dexheimer indicated that he didn’t bring a lot of statistics thistime, however, parking remains the number one complaint.

Officers getting out of practiceissuing parking tickets, which is being taken-over by parking enforcement 24hours a day.


Satellite Office –Sgt. Dexheimer discussed this issue briefly last month.  Satellite office is not meant to be astorefront operation for public to stop in.  This is a misnomer. Staffing logistically impossible and an unrealistic expectation.  The best way for public to contactpolice is through dispatch or by contacting Captains in District Stations.  Purpose of satellite office is forofficers to check email, to complete district reports, use bathrooms, and eatlunch.  This keeps officers in areato maintain radio contact, etc. Can’t force officers to use satellite office, so the space needsto be attractive to officers – particularly the bathrooms for womenofficers who need proper accommodations because of a need to remove their gun,etc., in order to use facilities.


Susan Bauman-Duren:  Is Sonic Foundry a good choice forsatellite office?

Sgt. Dexheimer: Wish it was morecentrally located, however, Sonic Foundry is offering so much, computers,etc.  Also, more problems arisingat Sherman Terrace.  Proximity toTenney Park, where officers would like to have more presence due todrunkenness, homelessness, etc. Would also be able to increase bike patrols in the area due to theadditional spaces at Sonic Foundry for bikes.  The Sonic Foundry location also would get officers to thefar end of the district, rather than closer to State Street (see map handout ofrelationship of Sonic Foundry to Tenney Lapham neighborhood – scale½ mile radius).


Susan Bauman-Duren:  Expressed some support for SonicFoundry location over Breese Stevens and commented on a recent home invasion bya mentally ill man in the neighborhood in which the police were able to respondin about 2.5 minutes.


Segue by Council into adiscussion about homeless and public urination in the Tenney Laphamneighborhood.


VIII.      Garden Tour – Bob Shaw

a.    Talked with Mary Jo Schivoni, haven’t had a neighborhoodgarden tour in many years.

Scheduled for Sunday, June 29th,5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  Peopletake tour on their own.  There are8 – 9 gardens participating in the neighborhood to tour.

In need of $50 - $100 for brochuresand expenses.  Alf Meyer suggestedusing Lakeside Printer instead of Kinko’s for brochure.

1.    Motion by Bob Shaw tohave TLNA reimburse him for expenses associated with garden tour and brochure.

2.    Seconded by SusanBauman-Duren.

3.    Motion Carried on aVoice Vote.


Committee Reports

Safety – Sandy Ward

Reported on tagging (graffiti)of building at 816 E. Gorham Street.

Have not heard back from CherylWittle re: (red) flags (for crossing intersections), but presumablymoving along.


Max Rahder (Regent NeighborhoodAssociation) Op-Ed piece to the Wisconsin State Journal regarding HouseParties (see handout).  Does TLNAwant to sign-on? – Jim Zychowicz

Brenda Konkel:  there are other ways to address problemand others are working on this issue. It might be better to approach Dave (Mayor Cz.) and the newadministration first.

Jim Zychowicz:  suggest rephrasing letter prior tosigning on to it.

Motion by Jim Zychowicz to first contact Mario Mandoza inthe administration to get feedback, send letter to Mayor first (to apprise himof concerns/issue) and rewrite as friendly request:  “to continue to vigorously address the existingefforts at dealing with these problem house parties.”

Seconded by Diane Brusoe.

Motion Carried on a Voice Vote.


Newsletter – Bob Shaw

Newsletter deadline this weekend.

Went to Breese Stevens Committeetoday – brief update.

Neighborhood “EarthDay” activities update.


Education – JoeBrogan

School referenda June 3rd(see handout)



Motion by Rex Loehe.

Motion seconded by Susan Bauman-Duren.

Motion carried on a voice vote.



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