TLNA Minutes, Thursday 17 July 2003


Present: J. Zychowicz; S. Calomino; S. Keyes-Rybeck; S. Baumann-Duren; M.Bergamini; B. Konkel; D. Brusoe; T. Browder; S. Ward.


Absent (known): G. Davidson-Zielske; R. Linster; R. Shaw.



1)   Call to order at 7:15 pm.


2)   Minutes from June meeting approved with the followingedit:  Item 7 (a) change spellingof “Alise” Wehrman to “Elyse”.  (Motion: Baumann-Duren/Second: S.Keyes-Rybek)


3)   Old Business:

a)    810/816 E. Gorham houses:  J. Zychowicz passed around copies of a draft letter fromTLNA to Captain Luis Yudice regarding the properties at 810 and 816 E. GorhamStreet.  The letter discussedTLNA’s support of the police department meeting directly with thelandlord and owner of stated properties. In the letter, TLNA urges the owner/landlord’s cooperation tosupport the residential nature of our neighborhood by dealing with thosetenants responsible for the noise/partying problems.  Those present at the TLNA meeting signed on to the letter insupport of the police department meeting with the landlord.


b)   ERCPAC:  Jim andSal attended the meeting on 7/7/03 called by the Marquette NA in regard to theERCPAC plan, which recommends specific design guidelines, etc. for an areaalong E. Washington Avenue. Marquette NA and others see conflicts with existing plans, includingneighborhood plans.  Anothermeeting is planning by ERCPAC for 7/21/03.  TLNA suggests there needs to be more communication with MNAand other affected neighborhood associations.  Will work to invite other NA representatives to TLNAmeetings, and talk with EINPC about facilitating more discussion regardingeverything that is happening along E. Washington Ave.


c)    B.U.I.L.D.:  (putin place in an effort to meet Smart Growth requirements)  Recently applied to the County formoney to facilitate a vison/planning process for a BUILD district along E.Washington Ave; received in the range of $20-25K, but need to find matchingfunds.  TLNA suggests a meetingwith TLNA and MNA to coordinate efforts and be sure existing neighborhood plansare observed.


d)   Mayor’s E. Washington Ave plans:  The Mayor’s push for a grandervision for E. Washington Ave. resulted in a compromise.  Some of the key points of the compromiseinclude:  bumpouts (to reduce thedistance in crossing streets), colored pavement at some crosswalks, public art,and more trees and landscaping. The process has been largely city staff/HNTB driven with apparent publicdissatisfaction.  The hope is thiseffort will push for a more thoughtful process for later phases of E.Washington Ave.  This also led to adiscussion of the role of EINPC in tying the pieces of the E. Washingtonreconstruction together better among the neighborhood associations.  TLNA considering writing a letter toencourage more collaboration with EINPC.


4)   Alder Report:


a)    Prospect Street reconstruction:  neighbors on Prospect St. feel they were not noticed orinvolved in the street reconstruction, and are dissatisfied.  Neighbors are now contacting Brenda tosee if she can help.  TLNArecommends Brenda tell neighbors to go through TLNA for a stronger voice in theprocess.


b)   Many people have suggested to Brenda that they would likespeed bumps on neighborhood streets. Brenda suggests these people go through TLNA, and as a neighborhoodassociation, we suggest speed bumps and other traffic calming measures.  (Motion by M. Bergamini: formalpetition to Brenda to make all efforts possible to expedite the process ofrequesting traffic calming measures and increasing the allocation of city fundsfor traffic calming measures in advance of and during the E. Washington Ave.reconstruction process./Second S. Baumann-Duren).  Jim and Sal will draft a formal letter; motion passes.


c)    The issue of the mural on the Laundromat (corner of Blount& Johnson) will be coming up to the Plan Commission.  TLNA is asking the artist to bringfinal drawings to the neighborhood association before final approval.


d)   Some neighborhood associations (including SASY and MNA) aresigning on to the Mayor’s inclusionary zoning proposal.  Would TLNA like to support thisproposal?  (Motion S. Baumann-Duren/SecondM. Bergamini for TLNA to sign on to inclusionary zoning proposal).  Motion passes.


e)    A concern with inclusionary zoning is the potential fordevelopers to buy R5 zoned houses, tear them down, and build larger units.  Therefore, TLNA sees this as a goodreason to proceed with the downzoning proposal.  Currently looking at maps and selecting certain areasimportant to target.  There will bea meeting in the near future – it’s becoming more and moreimportant to do this!


f)    Consider a larger TLNA list serve to include more than theTLNA board members on the email loop. Brenda will look into setting up a list serve.


5)   Sgt. Dexheimer – not available.


6)   Committee Reports:


a)    Sandy Ward (Safety) 


i)     There was a meeting earlier tonight (7/17/03) on communitypolicing for the Central District. Sandy attended the meeting, and has handoutsto share.  The purpose of themeeting was to describe the reorganization of the MPD into a Community PolicingTeam Model.  In this model, eachdistrict gets a team of 1 sergeant and 5 Police Officers.


ii)   Residents need to make a note of the time, place and violationto share with new community policing.


iii)  Police want to know what our neighborhood goals are –email suggestions to Sandy.  Thesecan be presented to the new Police Team that will be assigned to CentralDistrict.


iv)  TLNA would like a monthly Central Police report organized byaddress – would be helpful in noting “hot spots” of activity.


v)   Need to consider whether TLNA wants to address trafficproblems using techniques other neighborhood associations are using (i.e. speedboards – neighborhood reps record those license plates of cars going Xmph over the speed limit).  EmailSandy if you have any ideas for locations and willingness to volunteer.  Also, email suggestions for problemareas.


vi)  Consider placing a small ad in the newsletter listingnon-emergency phone numbers (including 255-1234) so neighbors know what to lookfor and when to call.


b)   Diane Brusoe (Community Services)  TLNA agreed to go ahead with the “Welcome to theNeighborhood” packets similar to last fall.  We will deliver 500 packets using addresses provided byUniversity contact.  Tentativetimeline is to “stuff” packets in early September, and deliver themlate September/early October in time to announce the TLNA spaghetti dinner.


c)    Margaret Bergamini (Parks) raised the issue of the Brearlydock and whether TLNA would contribute financially to constructing/maintaininga dock.  Item will be put on Augustagenda.


7)   Adjourn at 9:20 (Motion M. Bergamini/Second D. Brusoe).


Submitted by D. Brusoe in lieu of the Secretary.


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