Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association CouncilMinutes


Next Newsletter Deadline is September 15.

Next Meeting will be September 24 at 7:00 PM, 302 N. Baldwin

Annual Meeting/Spaghetti Dinner is set for October 14 from 6 to 7:30 PM at Christ Presbyterian Church. (Business meeting to begin at 7:30 and out by 8:30. Setup can begin at 5 PM.)

The swimming pool meeting is coming up downtown Sept 9 from 6-9 pm at the Central Library.

Present were: Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calmino, Richard Linster, Carol Weidel, Joe Brogan, Susan Bauman Duren, Gigi Holland, Adam Cain, Pat McDonald and Guest Bob Shaw

Minutes submitted by Tim Olsen

1. Opened the meeting (7:18)

2. Minutes:
a. July minutes will be ready in September

b. In the absence of the secretary, we need a volunteer to take minutes

3. Treasurer's Report
In the absence of the treasurer, the report will be deferred until September.

4. Alder's Report
Since the alder was absent, the report will be deferred until the next meeting the alder can attend.

5. New Business

a. Neighborhood list - Bob Shaw's suggestion (7:20)
Bob found a neighborhood “kiosk’ on-line already in existence, and talked through examples from other neighborhoods that he found. People can post anything they like and reply to the poster directly. DaneNet supports it so there is no cost. Bob and Mary Pulliam will moderate it. The emphasis is on community and sustainability. It lets you connect with residents of the neighborhood to exchange plants, get a babysitter, find somebody to shovel your sidewalk, etc. People post ads, ideas, whatever they like. Kids are encouraged to take part as well. They also encourage the use of “Madison Hours” to swap items and services. Take a look at: http://www.neighbornation.net/kiosk/ for further information.Motion: Moved that TLNA participate in the Neighborhood Kiosk with a link to our web page. Bob Shaw and Mary Pulliam will moderate. Seconded by Sal Calomino. Passed unanimously.

Bob Shaw and Mary Jo Schiavoni are going to submit a design for Filene Park to provide ornamental grasses. David Wallner’s old campaign money (approx. $800 will fund). These plantings will replace the recently removed juniper bushes. Sue Duren suggests inviting her Girl Scouts to help plant as a service project.

b. Discussion of By-Laws - Carol Weidel's suggestion (7:30)
Carol was concerned that we did not have a quorum at the last meeting and would like to encourage more participation by neighbors. Perhaps if we described responsibilities of the officers (as excerpted in the Bylaws) and published an encouraging article in the newsletter, that will help. Sue Duren spoke in support, esp. as a means to interest those new to the neighborhood. Jim Z also suggested that people be directed to contact the nominating committee via Richard Linster.

Sal C suggests that this info also be added to the TLNA web site (on Dane Net). Bob will do it but notes that visits remain small in number.

Richard L asked for people to serve in an ad hoc Outreach-nominating committee capacity; and Richard L, Carol Weidel and Bob Shaw graciously offered to serve.

Further discussion on encouraging board participation included delivering mail to paid membership, and emailing those who have provided an email with their registration. Repetition in being invited seems important in bearing fruit in the form of new board members. Need to reach out personally to any likely candidates.

6. Committee Reports (7:40)

Membership: Paid membership currently tallies at 212

Transportation: Pat McDonald and others surveyed nearby neighborhoods to see if they would be interested to participate in a group meeting focusing on transportation issues. Most neighborhoods responded that they were interested. Fall was the target time. Alder Konkel encouraged the neighborhoods to raise this possibility face to face with the mayor’s office. Pat spoke with Jeannie Hoffman who will meet with him/others in the near future. The effort is meant to result in consensus recommendations.

Special Projects: Thanks for the discussion about the value of propagating trees in the neighborhood.

Housing: Diane Milligan and Gigi Holland are working on the downzoning issue. Diane is working on the maps of the neighborhood. The key would seem to be eliminating the R5 zoning areas. Gigi notes that there does not seem to be progress in inspections or in correcting code violations**. The square area suggested for downzoning has been rejected. Also, Susan Duren suggests contacting Susan Lampert Smith, now on the Madison Beat for the State Journal.

Education: Joe Brogan reports that the East High Principal Karen Tillman has offered to meet with the neighborhood at a board meeting. Sue D suggests inviting her to the annual meeting/spaghetti dinner. Joe will check with her to see if that date could work for her. A town meeting/time framework could provide time for speaking (15 minutes during the end of dinner??) and have a discussion (30 minutes??). The next option for a larger meeting would be the January potluck.

Centennial Tenney Monument in the park: Sue Duren will meet with a monument guy who was not put off by the length of our statement. He has done a great job on other city work according to board members.

Sal and Jim spoke with Central Police District and they would like to talk with us about the tension between providing police service for neighborhoods during ‘bar times’ and before. As is police resources are consistently drawn- ‘swamped’ by State Street and vicinity calls. Sal and Jim will meet with them in September. Sue B-D volunteered to join them as needed.

7. Next meeting: 24 September 2004 (7:00) Note, meeting dates have been tweaked in attempt to garner better participation from our County Supervisor and our Alder in particular – this is the reason for some changes recently from previous patterns.

8. Adjourn (8:05)

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