TLNA Council
302 N. Baldwin
December 16, 2004
7:00 p.m.

Council members present: Cheryl Wittke, Ramsey Finger, Carol Weidel, Pat McDonnell, Gigi Holland, Carole Trone, R. Linster
Also present: Captain Luis Yudice, Diane Milligan

1. Cheryl called the meeting to order at 7:10 and those present introduced themselves.

2. November 4, 2004 minutes. There was a motion by Finger, McDonnell to approved minutes as written. Approved.

3. Police Report. Captain Yudice reported that Mary Schauf would be the new district captain of the Central Police District following his retirement. At one time she lived in the TLNA neighborhood. She couldn’t be present at December’s meeting, but she will come to the January meeting.
Capt. Yudice described the past year’s activity and events that demanded much of police resources: Audrey Seeler disappearance, the Red Caboose shooting, sexual assaults (mostly in the campus area), the Mifflin Block Party and Halloween. Overall there has been little change in our neighborhood. Crime is low and what there is usually overflowed from the campus area and involves alcohol. The Camelot apartments had demanded more attention, probably because of lax screening of tenants. There have been thefts from cars in the underground garage and some domestic disturbances.
A special grant to the police department has allowed the hiring of a crime analysts who has been able to compile statistics by type and local of crime. He handed out some charts and graphs and described the high points. The State Street and Langdon area (distict 403) has the highest rate of crime in the district. Graffiti has recently become more of a problem. Community Policing teams are focusing on high-crime area.
Captain Yudice suggested that TLNA partner with some of the downtown neighbor associations where new people are moving in and they need more neighborhood involvement.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Gay emailed her report to Cheryl There is a $713.6 balance in checking; $15,255.05 in a money market account and $25 in the savings account.

5. Neighborhood Plan: Gigi and Diane have been looking at the plan, which is available, on-line. A $2,500 grant is available to update it. Gigi described how the neighborhood could be downzoned in several ways - - bock-by-block or comprehensively using the neighborhood plan.
Cheryl suggested that TLNA staff look at the plan before the next council meeting on January 27. A working group of Linster, McDonnell, Holland, Milligan and Wittke will get together before the January Council meeting. There will be an invitation for more participation in the housing committee at the January 27 meeting.

6. Bylaws: There was a general discussion of possible changes, Carol will bring copies to the January meeting and the council will continue the discussion.

7 800 Block Development: The 16 stories have been lowered in height and increased in number. The senior housing component and boutique hotel has been axed. There is a meeting about the changes that coincide with tonight’s meeting. David Waugh is there.

8. Housing: Gigi handed out a packet of article and notes about code enforcement and how TLNA might more proactively influence the rental code enforcement.

9:12 There was a motion by Linster, McDonnell to adjourn. Adjourned.

-Carol Weidel, Acting Secretary

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